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Patent Portfolio Monetization: Key Considerations for Companies in 2018 and Beyond
Key topics include:
- Current Patent Portfolio Monetization Trends
- 风险和陷阱
- Business, Legal and Other Considerations
- 最佳专利估值实践
- 近期监管发展的影响
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Recent News and Blogs

Inside the Intel RealSense L515 LiDAR Camera
Introduction The world of LIDAR sensing is evolving. Rotating turret LiDARs are commonplace for applications such as autonomous driving (see our Automotive LIDAR teardown subscription), but they are being displaced by a new generation of solid-state
Webinar: ALD/ALE Process in Commercially Available Logic Devices
商业上可用逻辑设备中的ALD / ALE进程2018的推出了一种新一代逻辑产品,以其10nm代微处理器的英特尔为单行,其次是TSMC和三星朝向的FinFET晶体管。
Samsung S5K33D i-ToF with 7 µm Pixel Global Shutter in House
Ray Fontaine August 12, 2020 Our teams have sourced the Samsung 640 x 480 indirect time-of-flight (ToF) with global shutter sensor demonstrated at VLSI 2019 [1]. The IC is reported to be a 65 nm back-illuminated generation sensor and our die
A Review of the Chevy Bolt Powertrain
Posted: July 09, 2020 Contributed by: Sinjin Dixon-Warren, PhD Electric vehicles (EV) are potentially a disruptive technology in the automotive market. They offer the promise of increased energy efficiency and the potential for reduced emissions
内存过程网络研讨会:3D NAND字线焊盘(WLP)
Wednesday June 24, 2020 / 2:00 p.m. ET Hosted By: Chi Lim Tan 3D NAND, or vertical NAND, with its higher density and lower cost per bit, has been a driving force in the popularity of solid state drives (SSD) thanks to the innovation and continued
英特尔的10nm节点:过去,现在和未来 - 第2部分
有些人说,在2017年的H2 - H1 2018 TimeFrame Intel的10nm节点是如此烘焙,该英特尔必须显着重新设计其10 NM工艺技术的后续产品。无论如何,一个SKU和有限的可用性为自己说话。
Apple计算机:过渡到ARM Chips即将推出
这是我最喜欢的à 会议场合é法国é联合国,22 juin,la semaine du 22,Lovelopeurs qui se tiendra dansévé内蒙trè这件事很重要é WWDC ou全球开发者大会,à 圣何塞é 欧点à 存储区域网络
Revisiting the Seminal APA Optics GaN HEMT Patent
Posted: June 05, 2020 Contributed by: Sinjin Dixon-Warren, PhD The power electronics industry is in a period of transition. For many years silicon-based devices have dominated the industry, with conventional Si MOSFET transistors being used for lower
5月27日星期三,2020 / 2:00下午ET主持:Sinjin Dixon-Warren电力电子行业在过渡时期。对于多年的硅基设备主导了该行业,具有传统的Si MOSFET晶体管用于
The guide to effective NAND patent investigation
With waveform and protocol testing essential to investigating memory technology patents for evidence of use, TechInsights’ Martin Bijman and Neil MacLeod take a closer look at the portfolios of the top NAND patent owners to determine how different
解锁YMTC 64层3DXTacking®Nand闪存的秘密
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Patent Portfolio Management: Effective Strategies and Best Practices in 2020
4月29日 - 12:00-1:30 PM(et) - Live Webinar,“专利组合管理:由知识组托管的”专利组合管理:2020年的有效策略和最佳实践“。主要主题包括:专利组合管理趋势和发展,是一个重要的
There have never been so many IP tools and technology aides on the market, but how do you decide which ones are going to help your business? Martin Bijman of TechInsights explains.
Qualcomm Snapdragon SDR865收发器分析;支持5G Sub-6 GHz和LTE服务
The Snapdragon 865 platform is Qualcomm's most advanced 5G chipset to date with support for 5G, sub-6, mmWave and LTE. 4G/5G dynamic spectrum sharing, will enable "operators to accelerate 5G deployments by using their existing 4G spectrum holdings to
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TechInsights公司Confirms Samsung’s true 7LPP process in the Samsung Exynos 990
去年,三星宣布将EUV引入其在Exynos 9825中使用的7LPP过程。通过分析,我们在9825年的7LPP进程与Exynos 9820中的8LPP过程之间发现了几乎没有差异。现在,我们
YMTC is China's First Mass Producer of 3D NAND Flash Memory Chips
Contributing Author: Jeongdong Choe Originally Posted March 12, Revised April 7 2020 TechInsights finally found 3D Xtacking® NAND devices manufactured from Yangtze Memory Technologies Co., Ltd. (YMTC) in Wuhan, China. With this device, YMTC has
三星Galaxy S20超级5G摄像头拆除
贡献作者:Ray Fontaine祝贺三星团队不仅提供了一个井规格的相机系统,而且还要首先使用0.7μm的生成像素!2019年9月宣布的GH1堆积成像仪正在
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Contributing Authors: Daniel Yang, Ray Fontaine It is an especially busy time in TechInsights’ labs. Just a few days after we started the teardown of various models of the Xiaomi Mi 10 flagship series - the world’s first Qualcomm Snapdragon 865
香农5800 55M5800A01随着行业对5G应用的扩展,三星在移动通信技术领域不断创新,包括射频收发器、mmWave相控阵解决方案以及5G嵌入式移动处理器
小米MI 10拆解分析
Here we were, waiting for the release of the Samsung Galaxy S20 so we could see the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 mobile platform, and along came Xiaomi with their announcement on February 13 that the Mi 10 - also based on the Snapdragon 865 - would be
Apple Inc的惊喜警告认为,由于冠状病毒流行病,这可能会缺乏本季度的销售目标,因为它的芯片和其他供应商以及也依赖中国建立产品的竞争对手。
MT6303P AN10516CW 2.95 x 1.74 - 180nm移动射频架构在复杂程度上不断增加,以支持多种标准,我们在几乎每几个新手机释放中都发现了新的移动RF组件。在这种写作时
In 2020, 3D flash memory will be fully upgraded to 100 multi-layer stacks
Securing Smart Connected Homes with OTP NVM

This deal has been years in the making. China's BOE Technology Group has been angling to supply Apple with OLED displays destined for iPhones since early 2017.
Huawei Mate 30 Pro 5G dismantling: sell 6399 yuan complete machine, BOM cost is only 2799 yuan
Deep dismantling of Huawei Mate30 Pro 5G: more than 2,000 components from Japan

Power Integrations与他们的Powigan技术进行了oem设计胜利
发布时间:2019年12月12日贡献作者:Sinjin Dixon-Warren,PHD消费者对较小的形状因素和更高权力的需求,以及政府效率法规,正在推动USB适配器市场的创新。USB-C电源交付
Toshiba-WD Alliance 3D NAND mass production will use Samsung TCAT process
集微网消息(文件/ yuna),据印象手表网站报告,东芝在12月8日召开的IEDM会议上调在3D NAND闪存量产中间使用类似于三星TCAT的存储单位结构。

TechInsights公司released a digest report titled “Intel Core i7-1065G7“ Ice Lake ”10 nm 2nd Gen Processor Analysis” on October 31st .
kirin 990 5g核心数据曝光: 113.31 square millimeters integrated 10.3 billion transistors
最近,华为发布了新的5G手机,伴侣30 5克系列。其kirin 990 5g soc的表现非常令人兴奋。最近,专业筹码研究所的TechInsights拆除了这款商业5G集成的SOC芯片。
The Apple U1 - Delayering the Chip and Its Possibilities
发表时间:2019年11月8日贡献作者:Stacy Wegner图1:iPhone 11中包含的最具迷人组件之一的Apple U1 UWB芯片是奥秘芯片苹果,简单地标记为“U1”。TechInsights一直繁忙地分析这一点
华为伴侣30 pro 5g拆除
介绍Kirin 990 5G发布时间:2019年11月7日贡献作者:Daniel Yang,Stacy Wegner Huawei Mate 30系列是公司年度旗舰智能手机,于2019年9月19日在慕尼黑发布
提示网络研讨会:分析NAND Flash和SSD设备的技术
日期:2019年11月6日至下午4:00至下午4:00 et:Neil Macleod和Marty Bijman内部探测,波形分析,以及更多的广泛采用和扩展数据中心使SSD市场推向了一段时间的高竞争和
Intel Core i7-1065G7 “Ice Lake” 10 nm 2nd Gen Processor Analysis
Intel has released their first 10 nm 2nd Gen processor into consumer products – the Intel Core i7-1065G7 processor, better known as Ice Lake. Dell and Microsoft have already announced the inclusion of Ice Lake in some of their latest offerings. This
SiC MOSFET的进化技术:Retrospective
Apple iPhone 11、11 Pro和11 Pro Max评论:性能、电池和摄像头提升
TechInsights公司has now officially released a die shot of the new Apple A13, and we can confirm a few assumptions on our side.
Apple U1 TMKA75超宽带(UWB)芯片分析
来自最近发布的Apple iPhone 11线的最有趣的组件之一是苹果已经谈到的一行;Apple U1超宽带(UWB)芯片。到目前为止,Apple只有说芯片允许定向
TechInsights:iPhone 11 Pro Max Cameras花费73.5美元
TechInsights公司publishes its estimation of Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max components. The cameras appear to be the post expensive part at $73.50.
How e-mobility is changing the Automotive
通过一些TechInsights行业专家,Morahari Reddy和Jianchun Xu,我们将分析市场并专注于不同的方面。

SK Hynix 96L 3D PUC NAND分析
在全球范围内的储存制造商中,SK Hynix目前拥有NAND闪存市场份额的第5个职位,10.3%。它们是释放9倍层NAND解决方案的最新功能,使用SK Hynix 96L 3D PUC Nand。SK Hynix'96L 3D PUC的开发
在iPhone 11 Pro Max附带的Apple 1720充电器内
Posted: September 27, 2019 Contributing Author: Sinjin Dixon-Warren The iPhone 11 Pro Max ships with the Apple 1720 18 W USB-C power delivery charger. This device is rated to delivery 5 V and 3 A or 9 V and 2 A. In follow up to our recent blogTechInsights公司Analyses iPhone 11 Cameras
TechInsights公司publishes a teardown report of the new Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max smartphone with some info on its cameras:
Apple iPhone 11 Pro Teardowns Look Encouraging for STMicro and Sony
STMicroelectronics and Sony each appear to be supplying four chips for Apple's latest flagship iPhones. Many other historical iPhone suppliers also make appearances in the latest teardowns.
Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max Teardown
发布时间:2019年9月23日 - 更新:2019年10月1日贡献作者:Daniel Yang,Stacy Wegner,Albert Cowsky我们总是很高兴看到一个新的Apple iPhone,而今年的iPhone 11线也不例外。这是第一个苹果活动
Successful, high-return patent licensing programmes require planning. Peter Hanschke of TechInsights offers a guide to getting it right.
Originally Presented: September 19, 2019 / 12:00pm to 1:00pm ET Hosted By: Martin Bijman Licensing is a tried and true means to monetize a patent portfolio, but those who will succeed on the path from patent ownership to patent profits will not
微米分析概述:LPDDR4 DDR4 3D NAND闪存和XPoint Reverseed
Posted: September 17, 2019 With 2018 revenue of $30.4B USD, 16.5% market share in NAND Flash Memory, and 23% market share in DRAM, Micron is one of the biggest players in storage and memory technology. For those looking to support their product

网络研讨会:功率半导体– A Market Overview & In-depth SiC and GaN Device Analysis
上一篇广播:2019年9月10日星期二和2019年10月8日的星期二主持:建春徐和仙金迪克森 - 沃伦电力半导体市场估计到2025年底达到32亿美元。通过增加全球需求的推动

Peloton IPO Preview: All Hype, No Muscle
Un móvil de gama alta se vende casi al triple de lo que cuesta fabricarlo
Un teléfono móvil se vende casi tres veces más caro de lo que cuesta fabricarlo, atendiendo al coste de todos los componentes que integran estos dispositivos, desde la batería o la cámara hasta el sistema operativo que permite que funcionen las

DPReview's review of the Fujifilm GFX 100 medium format camera shows the consequences of having dead pixels whose space is used for phase detection autofocus (PDAF) modules
Deca Technologies Fan-in VLP在Qualcomm PM8150
发布时间:2019年8月29日,粉丝在WLP市场预计以稳定增长;2018年的2.9亿美元至44亿美元至2024美元,CAGR 6.5%。该市场的最近贡献者之一是Deca Technologies,其M系列扇出晶圆级包装
AC适配器中的GaN,SIC和SI Technologies
发布时间:2019年8月14日贡献作者:Sinjin Dixon-Warren,PHD介绍AC适配器是一个不断提醒的是,我们所致爱情的移动设备并不像我们想思考的那样移动。每个移动设备
华为伴侣20 x(5g)拆除的意外设计胜利
2019年是我们看到5G智能手机开始起飞的年。TechInsights在4月份发布了一款三星Galaxy S10 5G拆除的博客,这是世界上第一个韩国的5克手机。Galaxy S10 5G SM-G977N基于三星
4部分博客系列:智能手机成像艺术的艺术状态第4部分:非拜耳CFA,相位检测自动对焦(PDAF)发布:2019年7月30日贡献作者:Ray Fontaine内容从TechInsights纸张为国际形象进行了适应
4部分博客系列:智能手机成像仪的艺术状态第3部分:后照射活性Si厚度,深度沟渠隔离(DTI)发布:2019年7月23日贡献作者:Ray Fontaine内容适应了TechInsights的纸张
Velodene Lidar顽皮撕裂
Part 2: Pixel Scaling and Scaling Enablers
分为4部分的博客系列:智能手机成像器的最新技术第2部分:像素缩放和缩放使能器发布日期:2019年7月16日贡献作者:Ray Fontaine内容改编自TechInsights为国际图像传感器研讨会撰写的论文
Effective high-power, compact AC adapters can be built using SiC, GaN, and Si super junction devices, according to an analysis by TechInsights of three key products.
Part 1: Chip-stacking and chip-to-chip interconnect
4-Part Blog Series: The State-of-the-Art of Smartphone Imagers Part 1: Chip-stacking and chip-to-chip interconnect Posted: July 09, 2019 Contributing Author: Ray Fontaine Content adapted from TechInsights’ presentation for the International Image
AMBIQ Micro Apollo 3蓝色超低功耗MCU
发布日期:2019年6月11日Ambiq Micro Apollo 3 Blue超低功耗MCU MCU市场拥挤且竞争激烈,全球半导体公司在这一技术领域的研发投入不断增加;预计该市场在2019年将达到约200亿美元
来自三星,SK Hynix和Micron的1Y DDR4 DRAM
发布日期:2019年6月7日三星LPDDR4X 17纳米1Y三星DDR4 17纳米1Y微米MT40A2G4SA-062E 8Gb DDR4前三大DRAM制造商(三星、SK hynix和微米)在2017年和2018年推出1x后达到了20纳米以下。一个新的里程碑诞生了
How long can Sony keep the top spot in the image sensor market?
不久前,Yuanta Research发布了全球CIS(CMOS图像传感器)的市场数据,指出其整体市场规模仍在迅速增长。
Qualcomm QTM052 mmWave Antenna Module
发布时间:2019年5月31日,高通公司QTM052 MMWVES天线模块Quarcomm声称通过将MMWVES技术将MMWVEAVE技术纳入小型高度集成的模块中的移动RF前端,“制造不可能的,可能”。有很多挑战
In the $60bn NAND tech market, patent landscape analysis can give companies the edge, as Martin Bijman and Trevor Izsak of TechInsights explain.
网络研讨会:识别和追求专利侵权者 - 使用技术证据构建您的断言活动
Electric Cars Gain Traction, But Challenges Remain
TechInsights IEDM18的内存技术更新
Posted: April 11, 2019 Contributing Author: Dick James, Jeongdong Choe On the Sunday evening at IEDM last year, TechInsights held a reception in which Arabinda Das and Jeongdong Choe gave presentations that attracted a roomful of conference attendees
9X Layer 3D NAND Analysis
Posted: April 10, 2019 TechInsights’ Analysis of Solutions from Samsung, Toshiba, and Intel/Micron TechInsights’ analysis has begun on the much-anticipated 9XL 3D NAND solutions, including: Samsung 92L 3D V-NAND Toshiba 96L 3D BiCS Intel/Micron 96L
三星Galaxy S10 5G拆除
Posted: April 9, 2019 Contributing Author: Daniel Yang & Stacy Wegner It’s here. It’s in our labs... Two major 5G events happened last week: Verizon launched their 5G network in Chicago, and on the other side of the globe, Samsung launched the world
Analyzing innovations in mobile radio frequency front-end integration
Posted: April 09, 2019 The mobile RF front-end architectures of 3G and early 4G smartphones were relatively simple and could be built from discrete components. The mobile radio frequency (RF) front-end today has become much more complex to support
网络研讨会:高密度扇形包技术 - 检查和比较
最初呈现时间:2019年4月9日/美国东部时间下午2:00至3:00主持:Michel Roy低密度扇出封装技术已经存在了十多年。由于RDL计数和行空间/行宽度功能的限制,这
3D NAND Metrology Challenges Growing
(Semiconductor Engineering) The big challenge is to characterize the inner portions of a 3D NAND device, which consists of complex materials, multiple layers and tiny channel holes. Then, as you add more layers, the metrology challenges increase “due

Siemens patent filings climb, but quality over quantity is the name of the game
三星Galaxy S10 +拆除
Posted: March 1, 2019 Contributing Authors: Michelle Alarcon, Daniel Yang, Stacy Wegner, Albert Cowsky We got the new Samsung Galaxy S10+ a little early! TechInsights received the Exynos Samsung Galaxy S10+ SM-G975F/DS from Korea and it has been in
最初呈现:2019年2月27日至3:00至下午4:00 et主持:John Sullivan专利和技术的角度,我们估计了移动射频(RF)市场价值约为19b。移动RF创新旨在改善
Lenovo Brings the New Snapdragon to Market
发布时间:2019年2月20日贡献作者:Stacy Wegner和Daniel Yangeel Yangovo Z5 Pro GT您将需要多长时间1到220,000可能超过32秒,据报道,32秒据据据说联想出售多久
Navitas Found Inside the RAVPower RP-PC104-W Gallium Nitride 45 W USB C Power Delivery Charger
发布时间:2019年2月7日贡献作者:Sinjin Dixon-Warren,PHD图1 - RavPower RP-PC104 USB-C充电器650 V镓氮化镓(GaN)功率高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)可能至
发布时间:2019年2月7日投稿作者:Marty Bijman和Jim Hines图1-特斯拉的投资组合,包括麦克斯韦和SolarCity收购图2-特斯拉投资组合景观,显示哪些发明源自特斯拉、SolarCity和
网络研讨会:寻找技术中使用的证据 - 善良,坏的和丑陋
最初提出:2018年12月12日/ 2 to 3:00pm ET Hosted By: Martin Bijman TechInsights has identified Evidence of Use (EoU) for over 6,000 unique patents. In doing so, we have significantly evolved our understanding of what patents can
Originally Presented: October 23, 2018 / 12:00pm to 1:00pm ET Hosted By: Mary Lupul Patent Strengthening is a term we use to describe the different methods that can be applied during the prosecution to both maximize the usefulness of a patent once it
Originally Presented: October 4, 2018 / 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT Hosted By: Martin Bijman & George Pappas Patent strengthening is the term that refers to the process of achieving the greatest potential for value from a patent during the prosecution –
网络研讨会:将领先的STB,流设备和智能电视进行比较 - 设计和BOM视角
最初呈现:2018年9月18日/ 00 PM至3:00 PM et托管:Stacy Wegner具有显着的电线切割趋势,据说经营者如何响应和修改其产品,以保留流动诱惑的投资
Automotive Patents: Owners, Technologies, and Investigating for EOU
Originally Presented: July 11, 2018 / 2:00pm to 3:00pm ET Hosted By: Jim Hines The automotive industry is facing disruption from new market entrants, emerging mobility business models and changing consumer attitudes about car ownership. The future of
Patent strengthening is the term we use to refer to the process of achieving the greatest potential for value from a patent during the prosecution – before a patent is even granted.
Intel 10 nm Logic Process Analysis (Cannon Lake)
Posted: June 12, 2018 Intel 10nm Logic Process Analysis TechInsights has found the long-awaited Cannon Lake - the Intel 10 nm logic process inside the i3-8121U CPU, used in the Lenovo IdeaPad330. This innovation boasts the following: Logic transistor
SK Hynix 72L 3D NAND分析
发布时间:2018年5月31日SK Hynix 72L 3D NAND Analysis SK Hynix声称创建了业界的首页72层256GB 3D NAND闪存。与48层3D TLC芯片相比,这一创新的块大小为50%,它具有较低的编程时间
网络研讨会:黑匣子揭示 - 在挑战产品领域调查专利技术
最初呈现:2018年5月3日至3:15 PM至4:00 PM ET主持:Martin Bijman“黑匣子揭示”是我们用来指的“硬质品” - 技术,这是一个原因或另一个难以分析使用证据。这些可以
发布时间:2018年2月27日贡献作者:Marty Bijman最近,Iam的Timothy Au发布了一篇博客,提供了外观优步的投资组合。博客参考了优步的投资组合化妆,并在过去5年中提供了他们的IP事件的编年史
最初呈现:2018年2月20日至3:00至下午5:00托管:Martin Bijman&George Pappas专利加强是指在控方期间从专利中实现最大价值潜力的术语 -乐动体育博彩下载
Webinar: Unlocking the Value in Software Patents - a Technical Perspective
最初呈现:2018年2月1日/ 12:00 PM - 1:00 ethet ethered by:Mike Mclean,Gene Quinn&Walter Hanchuk Alice对软件专利产生了影响,但它们可以且仍然确实保持重大价值。如果您的投资组合包含软件
Reporting to the CFO, as the VP Finance, you will provide leadership to the Finance team members responsible for the day-to-day accounting, payroll, tax and treasury, reporting, planning, budgeting and statutory filings. You will regulate corporate