Among memory manufacturers worldwide SK hynix currently holds the 5th position in NAND Flash market share, with 10.3%. They are the latest to release a 9X-layer NAND solution, with the SK hynix 96L 3D PUC NAND.
SK-hynix'96L的3D-PUC NAND-flash设备的开发遵循了与Intel/Micron的CUA(CMOS下阵列)类似的方法过程。分开来自Intel/Micron的SK hynix是唯一一家堆叠存储单元阵列和外围电路的制造商。他们把他们的解决方案称为4D与非因为它结合了3D电荷陷阱闪存技术(CTF)和外围下单元技术(PUC)。
skhynix声称,他们的96层设备可以实现49%的比特密度比他们以前的72层3D NAND产品提高。将SK hynix 96L芯片与之前的72L解决方案进行比较时,我们看到每个芯片的GB数增加,位密度增加,页面大小增加,写入速度加快,读取速度加快,并且整体芯片缩小。
TechInsights公司is conducting a full circuit analysis of this part. Additional analysis including process and floorplan reports, and more will also be done. Our analysis brief includes:
- 详细的SSD板和阵列/外围芯片照片
- 带注释的高分辨率横截面图像
- Details of the comparison between SK hynix 72L and 96L 3D NAND solutions
- Intel/Micron和SK hynix 96L解决方案的比较
SK hynix 96L PUC 3D NAND分析
下载our SK hynix 96L PUC 3D NAND analysis, complete with a market overview, annotated high-resolution cross-section images, detailed SSD board and array/periphery die photos, and an overview of our analysis process.