Stacy Wegner,高级技术分析师
斯泰西·韦格纳is the Senior Technology Analyst of TechInsights’ Teardown division, responsible for ensuring the highly technical data produced by our analysts is transformed into consumable competitive intelligence. Stacy has an extensive background in advanced technology devices, marketplace analysis, and TechInsights products and practices.
斯泰西·韦格纳is the Senior Technology Analyst of TechInsights’ Teardown division, responsible for ensuring the highly technical data produced by our analysts is transformed into consumable competitive intelligence. Stacy has an extensive background in advanced technology devices, marketplace analysis, and TechInsights products and practices.
无线充电是一项令人兴奋的技术。尽管5G一直处于移动和网络讨论的前沿,但文件下载速率并不是唯一一项加速的技术。以华为新推出的Mate 40 Pro和Mate 40 Pro+为例。TechInsights在华为Mate 40 Pro手机中发现了最新的STMicroelectronics STWLC88无线电源IC。新的STWLC88是一款符合QIV1.2.4标准的IC,支持高达50W的无线网络。STWLC88 50W无线充电额定值意味着华为Mate 40 Pro 4400mAH电池的充电时间更快。